TM Goes Immersive
Measure Immersive Audio with the latest licence for TouchMonitor

We are proud to announce a brand new Immersive Sound Analyzer license for TM7 and TM9.
With the Immersive Sound Analyzer you can always keep your eyes on immersive surround formats like 5.1.2, 5.1.4, 7.1.2 or 7.1.4 in an easy and intuitve way and measure overall Loudness across the audio groups. It is available with firmware version 8 or higher.
New But Also Familiar
The face of the new licence is the ISA - Immersive Sound Analyzer. It combines the features of two Surround Sound Analyzers, which a lot of audio engineers are familiar with, and visualizes the relationship between the instruments. So all relevant technical and subjective parameters of formats like 5.1.2, 5.1.4, 7.1.2 or 7.1.4 evaluated in a fast and intuitive way. ISA also allows overall loudness measurement across audio groups. Main components of these formats are the two layers called Main Bed and Upper Bed. The Main Bed includes the 5.1 or 7.1 part of the surround format, the Upper Bed the 2.0 or 4.0 part.
5.1 or 7.1 Part: Main Bed
Similar to the Surround Sound Analyzer, you can detect the total volume and the balance of the sound field in the Main Bed by watching the behaviour of the cyan-colored outlines of the Total Volume Indicator (TVI). The length of the bargraphs coming from the center show the sound pressure level or loudness. With the cyan-colored Dominance Indicator (DMI as cross-hair pointer) you can see the subjective perceived acoustic focal point.
2.0 or 4.0 Part: Upper Bed
The parameters of the Upper Bed are displayed with orange-colored lines optically moving closer to the viewer. You are almost looking from above at your sound image. In this layer, you can also measure the total volume, the loudness, and the focal point in an intuitive way.
Immersive Dominance Indicator
How are Main Bed and Upper Bed related to each other? The Immersive Dominance Indicator (IDI) will help. It appears as a variable moving white dot between the DMIs of the Main Bed and the Upper Bed and gives response about the loudness relationship between the beds resp. the position and height of the dominant signal.
So you also have your eyes on the spatial focal point.
Immersive Sound Analyzer
Put together you have a spatially effective graphical display of all relevant parameters in one easy view. For further analysis of the individual layers related to phase relationship between the channel pairs or positions and width of phantom sound sources, you can switch the correlators and phantom source indicators known from the Surround Sound Analyzer.
Overall Loudness Across Audio Groups
If audio groups for both beds are created, the newly implemented Immersive domain can be adjusted to a further audio group. There, you don't use input channels but you adjust the groups including the definitions for the beds as “Immersive Beds”. Add instruments for loudness measurements to this superordinated group, and you are able to measure and display the overall loudness across the audio groups.
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