Archived: MM3 MusicMeter
Archival: Compact metering device for all creative fields of the music industry

NOTE: This device is no longer available!
RTW‘s MM3 MusicMeter is a highly compact and innovative, easy-to-use product, giving music, voice, and multimedia producers everything they need for loudness and audio metering, including frequently used standard instruments and parameters in a high quality unit to meet the demands of a wide variety of applications. Beside the use as a standalone desktop unit including analog and digital audio interfaces, as well as USB audio, MM3 also provides the innovative USB hybrid mode. Stereo and Surround audio metering will be performed right from the DAW via RTW USB Connect plug-in without the need for additional wiring or extensive signal routing. MM3 MusicMeter will process and visualize the information simultaneously to the monitoring of the audio signal via DAW‘s audio interface. The graphical user interface used in MM3 units is controlled simply by using your finger. Typical views with different instrument combinations for optimized reading can be selected just by a finger swipe. All commonly used parameters are set, just a few need to be adjusted by the user to meet individual requirements.
MM3 - no longer available -
Table-top unit in a sturdy table-top frame with integrated table-stand (approx. 82.5 x 138 x 50 mm, W x H x D), USB connecting cable, and USB mains adpater
USB Audio
Before using USB audio signals from a computer, MM3 MusicMeter has to be defined as USB audio device for sound output (Mac® OS X) or as standard audio output device (Windows®). Information about that can be found in the USB audio setup descriptions available at "Archived Audio Monitor Downaloads/MM3 MusicMeter - Manuals" section of Manuals & Software Downloads.
Alternatively, you can install the USB Connect software. Information about that can be found on USB Connect product page.
On Windows® systems, RTW USB audio driver has to be installed in any case. The driver is available at "Archived Audio Monitor Downloads/MM3 MusicMeter - Software" section of Manuals & Software Downloads.
With the integrated software package, MM3 MusicMeter is fully equipped. It provides a wide range of RTW‘s approved loudness and audio metering tools to meet the demands of a wide variety of applications. Beside the signal processing and the control functions, this software provides selectable views for a distinct scope of applications with different instrument combinations to asure an optimized use of the display space. Several parameters can be adjusted.
The following instruments are avaiable in different combinations:
TP PPM Bargraph
PPM and TruePeak meter for analog and digital 2-channel Stereo signals and USB audio (2-channel, 5.1), with analog scales (DIN5, TP60, Nordic, BR IIa, SMPTE24, NHK) and digital scales (TP60, Dig60, Nordic, BR IIa, VU)
BR IIa (left) or VU (right)
MC - Moving Coil
For 2-channel Stereo signals, needle instruments with PPM display (BR IIa) or VU display can be used instead.
Loudness Bar
Loudness Sum instrument for displaying the Loudness values M, S, or I of a Loudness measurement acc. to EBU R128, ITU BS.1770-3/1771-1, ARIB, ATSC A/85, OP-59, AGCOM oder CALM Act on a bargraph display.
Loudness Numeric
Loudness Num instrument for displaying the numerical Loudness values M, S, I, LRA, TPmax, Mmax and Smax of a Loudness measurement acc. to EBU R128, ITU BS.1770-3/1771-1, ARIB, ATSC A/85, OP-59, AGCOM oder CALM Act on a numerical display.
Loudness Chart instrument for displaying and analyzing the course over time of a loudness measurement directly on the display.
VSC - Vectorscope
2-ch. Audio Vectorscope for displaying the phase relationship between the two channels of a channel pair (Lissajous display).
Real Time Spectrum Analyzer instrument for displaying the spectral content of the input channels using 31 filter bands. Highpass filter for High Band (> 20 kHz).
Loudness (above), Loudness + Chart (center), Loudness + RTA (below)
The keyboard includes the on-screen keys with defined control functions for several instruments.
USB Connect
Plug-in and stand-alone application free of charge for simultaneously monitoring and metering with MM3 MusicMeter (USB hybrid function) and for remote control of its Start/Stop/Reset functions.
Data sheets, product information, manuals or firmware of MM3 MusicMeter for download (as far as still available) can be found on the corresponding archive page in our download area (Support/Manuals & Software Downloads/Archive).