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Searched for RTW 11520G Digital PPM Meter. Found 2 results.
  1. TouchMonitor TM9

        Software Licence SW20006 RTW Premium PPM Premium PPM Expansion of the PPM and TruePeak meter with additonal scales (Zoom, SMPTE, NHK, ARD+9 [...] Radar Meter of TC Electronic®. For signals with more than four channels software module SW20001 is required. SW20006: RTW Premium PPM This module expands the Basic 4-channel PPM (standard [...] PPM Basic 4-channel PPM and TruePeak meter for up to 4 of the routed channels in a maximum count of 4 audio groups at a time with analog and digital scales, Peak Hold, Peak

  2. Instruments

        Software Licence SW20006 RTW Premium PPM Premium PPM Expansion of the PPM and TruePeak meter with additonal scales (Zoom, SMPTE, NHK, ARD+9, et [...] PPM Basic 4-channel PPM and TruePeak meter for up to 4 of the routed channels in a maximum count of 4 audio groups at a time with analog and digital scales, Peak Hold, Peak [...] Software Licence SW20001 Multichannel Mode 8-channel PPM PPM and TruePeak meter for up to 8 channels in a group processing Mono, Stereo, 3.1 Surround, 5.0 Surround,