RTW News
NAB19: RTW verstärkt seine Präsenz in den USA
Der Audio-Metering-Pionier eröffnet ein US-Büro in Manhattan, New York City. --- Meldung nur in englisch verfügbar! ---
NAB19: RTW Reinforces Its US Presence by Opening Office in New York
Audio measuring and metering pioneer, RTW, opens US office in Manhattan, New York City.
(Las Vegas, NV, 9 April 2019) RTW focuses on visualizing audio in order to let audio engineers make informed decisions in professional broadcast, production, post production and quality control, and with a constantly growing user base in the US, the company now establishes a US office.
A significant part of the broadcast and production industry is located in the New York area so opening the new office in Manhattan, NYC, was an obvious choice. However, the new office will of course help existing as well as potential customers throughout the US.
To head the new office, a former RTW-employee, Claudia Haase, who is well known and respected in the industry, takes the lead.
“Reuniting with RTW and taking on this position and challenge is a great opportunity,” says Claudia Haase. “I am very much looking forward to get started and support our US dealers and service centers on a daily basis. The US is a huge market, and having a local office is the only way forward. I am proud to be the one to in charge of opening this next chapter.”
“Our new office in New York simply underpins our focus on the important US market, and I’m excited that we have now taken a huge step in our effort to bring the company closer to our American customers, and I am confident that Claudia Haase is a perfect match for turning this strategic initiative into real benefits for all of our US-based customers,” adds Andreas Tweitmann, CEO of RTW.
Other key initiatives that support the company’s dedication to the US market include the recent appointments of authorized RTW service centers in New York (dBm Pro Audio Services) and Los Angeles (Advanced Musical Electronics Inc).
In conclusion, RTW has scaled its US activities up significantly during the first months of 2019, recognizing the need to be closer to key customers – before, during and after sales.
Contact Info
175 Varick St
New York, NY 10014
Email: ussales@rtw.com
Phone: +1 646 458 1423
About RTW
RTW, based in Cologne (Germany), has more than 50 years of experience designing, producing and marketing advanced recording-studio equipment, leading and innovating the market for high quality audio metering and monitoring tools. RTW operates a worldwide distribution and service network. For more information on RTW, visit www.rtw.com, www.facebook.com/rtwaudio or call +49 221 709130.

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- RTW_PR_US_Office.doc
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