RTW News

Introductory rebate offer for RTW Masterclass PlugIns until June 30th, 2015

COLOGNE, GERMANY, MARCH 9, 2015 – As an introductory offer until June 30th, 2015, we give a discount of 33 % to the regular list prices of the RTW Mastering Tools or RTW Loudness Tools. During this promotion period you will see the reduced prices including VAT on the product sides of our web site:

to product site RTW Mastering Tools >
(The product page and the shop will display the reduced price including VAT.)

to product site RTW Loudness Tools >
(The product page and the shop will display the reduced price including VAT.)

Für Presseanfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an:

Kim Bang
Momentum PR & Marketing
+45 2083 4247