The first peakmeter for digital input signals was model 1150DA. It was used to receive and display signals of Sony-PCM-1610/1630 formats and could be operated with horizontal or vertical digital scale (-60 to 0 dBFS) or extended horizontal or vertical DIN scale (-50 to +10 dB). It consisted of two parts: the panel-mount peakmeter in compact 40 x 190 mm standard panel-mount metal cassette and the panel-mount 40 x 40 mm remote control. These parts could be mounted side by side, one below the other, or, depending on required space, separately from each other. As 1150DA-T, the unit was available in a table-top housing with integrated power supply and connection cable to the processor. The panel-mount peakmeters for digital AES/EBU signals developed from these units in the following years.
The undated image of unknown origin shows 1150DA with DIN scale and separately mounted remote control.